
Starter Commands

/t new <name of town>  (Start a new town)

/t add <player> (Invite a player to a town)

/t trust <add/remove> <player> (allows or removes a player perm to build in your town without joining the town)


/t claim (claims the chunk assuming that it is next to a prexsisting claimed chunk)

/t claim <rect/circle> <radius>  (calims a large area around the player assuming that it is next to a prexsisting claimed chunk)

Taxes, Bank,  and Daily upkeep,


Every town has a bank, this bank is used to buy claims, outpost, Maintain plots, etc. 

What does what mean?


That is the amount of money your town currently has to buy claims and maintain chunks

Daily upkeep:

The amount per day it costs to maintain your town (this is based off of plots you own, and charged once a day, costing 10$ per chunk)


Every day all residents pay a tax set by the mayor of the town,  and can be changed/disabled (/t set taxes) This allows the town to automatically pay its upkeep without manual contributions If a resident cant pay their tax they are kicked from the town

Other important banking commands

/t deposit (Lets you directly add money to your towns account)

/t withdraw (Lets you take money out of your towns account) (ONLY MAYORS CAN WITHDRAW MONEY ATM)

/t baltop (shows balance of your town members)


If your town cannot pay upkeep your town will go into a state of Bankruptcy. Until you deposit enough money to get out of debt you will be unable to invite new residents or claim new blocks or build. You will also be kicked from any nation you are part off. (edited)

Town Ranks

The Mayor can give anyone in the town special ranks to allow them to control different parts of the town, heres what each does

/t rank add <player> <rank>

Co Mayor

Granted the same permissions as the mayor including deleteing towns (also have power to give vip and outlaw)


They help manage people and land, like claiming large pieces of land and inviting players to your town, and also give out vip


Controls all finance of your town, from plot tax, to withdrawing money


They can outlaw people from a town and if a jail is set up jail other town members


They can bypass paying taxes (Your town still has to pay upkeep)


When just joining a town they arent able to do things like claim land or anything mentioned in the above ranks

A player can have multiple ranks at once so people can play multiple jobs at once 

Towny Chat

Towny lets you talk using diffrent talk channels using diffrent groups


[G] Stands for general /g to talk to everyone


[L] Stands for local /l to talk to people within 50 blocks of you


[TC] Stands for Town chat /tc to just talk to town members


[NC] Stand for Nation chat  /nc to just talk to Nation members


[AC] Stands for Alliance chat /ac to just talk to Alliance members

/channel leave <global, town, or local> will let you leave any of the channel if the chats moving a bit to fast

/channel join <global, town, or local> to join back or talk using the commands above (edited)